Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Yoga, Pilates + Yoga and Zumba at One Life Studio

These past 2 weeks I have been attending some yoga, pilates yoga and zumba classes at One Life Studio. One of my yearly goals is to have a healthier lifestyle. So it brings me happiness that I finally did what I have been planning for a long long time. The pilates + yoga was very much enjoyable especially when I do the different challenging poses, I feel my body finding peace amidst the chaos that big city brings.


Yoga is a Hindu discipline that is traditionally aimed at training the consciousness to achieve a state of spiritual awareness and tranquility.  In modern times, it is employed as a system of low-impact exercises practiced to promote health and wellness of the body and mind.

Grounded on the philosophy that there should be oneness of mind, body and spirit, yoga is also a popular method for meditating and for relieving stress and anxiety. It is dedicated to assisting its practitioner to use breath and body to foster an awareness of oneself as an individual living in peace, good health and harmony with the world.


Yoga has been practiced for more than 5,000 years, and currently, millions around the world are practicing it and enjoying its health benefits. Yoga classes focus on the learning of different physical poses integrated with breathing and meditation techniques.  While some yoga classes are designed purely for relaxation, there are also some styles of yoga that teach new ways on how to move the body, developing flexibility, strength, and balance.


Yoga practitioners attest that they have benefited from their practice of yoga.  Among the benefits are improvement in flexibility, strength, posture and breathing.  They also list Cardio-vascular benefits, increased focus and concentration, and stress relief.

Other known benefits of yoga are the following:

Happier and balanced mood
Better focus at work
A calmer, quieter mind
Decreased back pains
More energy
Weight loss
Enhanced athletic ability
Improved sleep


Yoga is not without myths that are attached to it.  Here are some statements of myths and the truths behind them:

1.  “I have always been as stiff as cement, so I can’t do yoga.”
Fact: It is normal if one feels tight.  It does not matter if touching your toes seems impossible. You can do yoga, and with regular practice, yoga is extremely effective at improving flexibility.

2. “I already work out at the gym, I don’t need to do yoga too.”
Fact: Although many forms of exercise provide a wonderful physical workout, only yoga can also claim to be a therapeutic system that helps heal injuries, improve chronic illness, and balance mental stress.

3.  “Yoga is just for girls.”
Fact: Yoga is for both men and women. Historically, some of the greatest yoga teachers for over 2000 years have been men.

4. “Yoga is a religion.”
Fact: Yoga is not a religion, it’s a technique of physical movements leading to improved health.  If yoga has a belief system, it’s simply to become more connected to your body.


To get started in the practice of yoga, you must first decide on the type of yoga we offer at ONELife Studio that you are interested in practicing.  Consult any of our yoga teachers and discuss with him/her the physical demands of each type of yoga vis-à-vis your personal physical condition, needs and preferences.

Find a suitable class for you and your schedule. Find out what you need to bring in class and learn about the yoga studio etiquette.

During class, be mindful of the following:

Go slow. No need to rush things. Learn the basics first, such as proper breathing and maintaining balance, before attempting the more ambitious stretches and poses.
Warm up before every session.
Wear proper clothing. Wear clothes that will allow you to move freely.
Ask questions. If you don't understand an instruction or exercise, ask to see it again before attempting to do it yourself.
Pay attention to your body. Stop immediately once you become dizzy, feel any pain in your chest or any part of your body, or feel like fainting or overheated. Get immediate medical help if the discomfort continues after you stop.


Pilates is an exercise system that was developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s. It was originally used as part of a rehabilitation program, but was later found to be of great benefit to anyone seeking a higher level of fitness. Incorporating elements of yoga, martial arts and Western forms of exercise, Pilates is an exercise system that focuses on stretching and strengthening the whole body to improve balance, muscle-strength, flexibility and posture.

The Pilates principles that include control, centering, concentration, breath, flow, and precision, all support an integrative mind/body experience through exercise.


Pilates is a mind-body exercise system designed to strengthen the weak and challenge the strong. It is suitable for people of all ages because its program of exercises can be tailored to the individual.


There are many reports on the health benefits of Pilates: it can help improve posture, muscle tone and flexibility, core strength and joint mobility, as well as relieve stress and tension. Although Pilates per se is not an effective activity for losing weight, it can however support weight loss and give a practitioner a more streamlined appearance. If weight loss is your primary objective, then you should combine Pilates with a healthy diet and some aerobic activities, such as swimming, running, walking and cycling. Pilates focuses on working from the core. By toning the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles it provides stability and freedom of motion throughout the body.


Pilates is an activity that is not without myths that are attached to it.  Here are some statements of myths and the truths behind them:

1. Pilates is a derivative of yoga.

Fact: Pilates is not a derivative of yoga. Pilates is a complementary practice to yoga.

2. Pilates is easy; for wimps.

Fact: Pilates may seem to be easy because it is a popular form of exercise for pregnant women, used in rehabilitation, and people of all ages and sizes can do it. The reason for this is: Pilates is very adaptable. It can be easy or very hard, depending on the needs of the individual. Its exercises are often done slowly, giving emphasis to body awareness and control— making it look easy.

3. Pilates is mostly for women.

Fact: Pilates benefits both men and women. Although it may be true that Pilates is very popular with women, there is nothing about it that makes it more for them. The adaptability of the Pilates method to different levels of fitness and body types has made Pilates an accessible and effective fitness choice for both men and women.

4. Pilates is only for fit people.

Pilates is suitable for people of all levels of fitness. It is a gentle way of raising your activity levels, especially if you have poor mobility, experiencing aches and pains or even coming from an injury. Pilates can be adapted to raise the fitness levels of someone who is less active, and at the same time, it can challenge someone who is already considered as very fit.

5. Pilates is dangerous.

Fact: Pilates is a gentle, low-impact form of exercise. Injuries are uncommon. However, as in any other physical activities, it is important that you find a qualified instructor and a class suitable to your level to ensure that the routines are not too difficult or challenging.


To get started in Pilates, you must first decide on the type of Pilates we offer that you are interested in doing.  Fill-out a questionnaire and consult any of our Pilates instructors and discuss with him the physical demands of each type of yoga vis-à-vis your personal physical condition, needs and preferences. Find a suitable class for you and your schedule.

Book in advance to reserve your slot in a particular class.
24 hours advance cancellation notice
Arrive early, at least 10 minutes in advance to prepare yourself for the session
Classes are 55 minutes long
Wear proper attire (workout clothes and socks)


You may have the notion that you should only choose either yoga or pilates for your workout; that you cannot do both and that one is contrary to the other.  Well, we have good news for you! Yes, the two have their distinct characteristics, methods and techniques, but the truth is, yoga and pilates are complementary.

Yoga capitalizes on breathing and a series of movements designed to increase the strength and flexibility of the whole body. Pilates also uses breathing, but its exercises focus more on precise movements to target specific parts of the body. But both pilates and yoga focus on developing strength, balance, flexibility, posture and good breathing technique. Doing both workouts can bring beneficial results to the practitioner, and having the opportunity of doing both in one studio makes the experience more worthwhile.

Benefits of Pilates:

Physical conditioning
Quick results
Strength without bulk
Weight loss
Venue for exercise
Solid core muscles
Benefits of Yoga:

Union of the mind and body
Release of stagnant energy in poses
Relaxation and a feeling of being centered
Benefits of doing both:

Physical and mental stamina
Improved breathing
Joint mobility
Lengthened muscles
Elongated spine
Improved posture
Stress release
Better sleep

I hope you I can sustain my interest in doing such and you do start your healthier goals this year too! Cheers.


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